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Found 219924 - Audrey   Auwerda - region 4.

219924 - Audrey Auwerda
20307 5/6/2023 Omaha, NE D2S MS 3rd 30 8 34
20307 5/6/2023 Omaha, NE D2D MS 4th 25 8 29
20310 4/15/2023 Kansas City, MO D2D MS 6th 15 6 18
20310 4/15/2023 Kansas City, MO D2S MS 6th 15 6 18
20294 2/18/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D1D SS 1st 40 9 44
20252 8/27/2022 Greater Des Moines, IA D1D SS 1st 40 9 44
20252 8/27/2022 Greater Des Moines, IA D2D SS 2nd 35 9 39
20234 9/24/2022 Omaha, NE D1S SS 2nd 35 8 39
20294 2/18/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D1S SS 2nd 35 8 39
20294 2/18/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D2S SS 2nd 35 8 39
20302 4/22/2023 Ogallala, NE D1D SS 2nd 35 10 40
20302 4/22/2023 Ogallala, NE D1S SS 2nd 35 9 39
20297 3/18/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D2S SS 2nd 30 7 33
20294 2/18/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D2D SS 3rd 30 8 34
20290 1/14/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D2D SS 1st 30 6 33
20271 10/1/2022 Ogallala, NE D1S SS 1st 30 6 33
20252 8/27/2022 Greater Des Moines, IA D1S SS 3rd 30 10 35
20297 3/18/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D2D SS 3rd 25 7 28
20325 5/20/2023 Greater Des Moines, IA D1D SS 2nd 25 6 28
20325 5/20/2023 Greater Des Moines, IA D1S SS 2nd 25 6 28
20325 5/20/2023 Greater Des Moines, IA D2D SS 1st 25 5 27
20268 9/10/2022 Greater Chicago, IL D1S SS 1st 25 5 27
20234 9/24/2022 Omaha, NE D1D SS 4th 25 8 4 *
20271 10/1/2022 Ogallala, NE D1D SS 2nd 25 6 3 *
20290 1/14/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D1S SS 1st 25 5 2 *
20297 3/18/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D1D SS 2nd 25 6 3 *
20290 1/14/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D1D SS 2nd 20 5 2 *
20290 1/14/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D2S SS 1st 20 4 2 *
20234 9/24/2022 Omaha, NE D2D SS 3rd 20 6 3 *
20234 9/24/2022 Omaha, NE D2S SS 3rd 20 6 3 *
20273 10/15/2022 Kansas City, MO D2D SS 5th 20 11 5 *
20252 8/27/2022 Greater Des Moines, IA D2S SS 5th 20 8 4 *
20235 8/13/2022 Ogallala, NE D1D SS 5th 20 11 5 *
20235 8/13/2022 Ogallala, NE D1S SS 6th 15 10 5 *
20273 10/15/2022 Kansas City, MO D2S SS 6th 15 10 5 *
20297 3/18/2023 Greater Chicago, IL D1S SS 5th 15 7 3 *
20273 10/15/2022 Kansas City, MO D1D SS 7th 10 9 4 *
20268 9/10/2022 Greater Chicago, IL D1D SS 3rd 10 4 2 *
20268 9/10/2022 Greater Chicago, IL D2D SS 3rd 10 4 2 *
20268 9/10/2022 Greater Chicago, IL D2S SS 3rd 10 4 2 *
20325 5/20/2023 Greater Des Moines, IA D2S SS 3rd 10 4 2 *
20273 10/15/2022 Kansas City, MO D1S SS Raced 0 9 4 *
20310 4/15/2023 Kansas City, MO D1D SS 4th 0 6 3 *
20310 4/15/2023 Kansas City, MO D1S SS 7th 0 6 3 *
20307 5/6/2023 Omaha, NE D1D SS 6th 0 6 3 *
20307 5/6/2023 Omaha, NE D1S SS 5th 0 6 3 *
Top 20 points MS:99
Top 20 points SS:706
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Note: Results only include rallies where paperwork has been submitted and approved.
C-9.06 A participant must accumulate aminimum of one hundred twenty (120) points to be considered eligible to win a Rally Regional Title.
An * designates champ participation points only per C-11.04
C-11.04 ...point total is determined by the participant's 20 best placement points plus total Participation Points in an AASBD Racing Season.