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Found 400183 - Alicia   Swinderman.

400183 - Alicia Swinderman
20073 3/14/2020 Sanford, FL D1S ST 4th 25 8 29
20057 11/30/2019 Akron, OH D1S ST 5th 20 9 24
20070 2/15/2020 Tuscawaras County, OH D1D ST 5th 20 16 28
20070 2/15/2020 Tuscawaras County, OH D1S ST 5th 20 15 27
20073 3/14/2020 Sanford, FL D1D ST 6th 15 10 20
20073 3/14/2020 Sanford, FL D2D ST 7th 10 8 14
20073 3/14/2020 Sanford, FL D2S ST 7th 10 8 14
20057 11/30/2019 Akron, OH D1D ST 8th 5 9 9
20070 2/15/2020 Tuscawaras County, OH D2D ST 8th 5 8 9
20070 2/15/2020 Tuscawaras County, OH D2S ST 8th 5 8 9
20062 1/18/2020 Portage County, OH D1D ST 8th 5 12 11
20062 1/18/2020 Portage County, OH D1S ST Raced 0 14 7
20062 1/18/2020 Portage County, OH D2D ST Raced 0 16 8
20062 1/18/2020 Portage County, OH D2S ST Raced 0 16 8
Top 20 points ST:217
View 2021 Season Points

Note: Results only include rallies where paperwork has been submitted and approved.
C-9.06A participant must accumulate aminimum of one hundred twenty (120) points to be considered eligible to win a Rally Regional Title.