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Found 400092 - Vincent   DeLaCroix - region 9.

400092 - Vincent DeLaCroix
20351 9/30/2023 Jamestown, NY D1D ST 1st 40 22 51
20351 9/30/2023 Jamestown, NY D2S ST 1st 40 22 51
20377 1/27/2024 Arlington, MA D1S ST 1st 40 10 45
20377 1/27/2024 Arlington, MA D2D ST 1st 40 11 45
20404 4/6/2024 Akron, OH D1S ST 1st 40 9 44
20404 4/6/2024 Akron, OH D2D ST 2nd 35 12 41
20404 4/6/2024 Akron, OH D2S ST 2nd 35 10 40
20404 4/6/2024 Akron, OH D1D ST 2nd 35 10 40
20384 3/16/2024 Greater Chicago, IL D2S ST 3rd 30 16 38
20377 1/27/2024 Arlington, MA D1D ST 3rd 30 10 35
20377 1/27/2024 Arlington, MA D2S ST 3rd 30 11 35
20372 12/9/2023 Akron Area, OH D1D ST 3rd 30 18 39
20384 3/16/2024 Greater Chicago, IL D1D ST 4th 25 20 35
20415 5/25/2024 Akron, OH D2D ST 4th 25 24 37
20384 3/16/2024 Greater Chicago, IL D2D ST 5th 20 20 30
20415 5/25/2024 Akron, OH D1D ST 5th 20 26 33
20384 3/16/2024 Greater Chicago, IL D1S ST 6th 15 19 24
20372 12/9/2023 Akron Area, OH D2D ST 7th 10 18 19
20372 12/9/2023 Akron Area, OH D2S ST Raced 0 19 9
20372 12/9/2023 Akron Area, OH D1S ST Raced 0 19 9
20351 9/30/2023 Jamestown, NY D1S ST Raced 0 22 11 *
20351 9/30/2023 Jamestown, NY D2D ST Raced 0 23 11 *
Top 20 points ST:722
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Results only include rallies where paperwork has been submitted and approved.
Results, standings, and number of invites are estimated and not offical.
An * designates champ participation points only per C-11.04
C-9.06 A participant must accumulate aminimum of one hundred twenty (120) points to be considered eligible to win a Rally Regional Title.
C-11.04 ...point total is determined by the participant's 20 best placement points plus total Participation Points in an AASBD Racing Season.
See rulebook for further carification and additional possible requirements.